Omni Channel UX

Omni Channel

End to end customer experience which results in increasing revenue, improving brand perception, more engagement, better customer satisfaction, enhanced retention and simplified operations.

Offering multiple channels for users to interact with your business isn’t enough. We need to put them at the center of a seamless Omni channel ecosystem.
Below are the five elements that are essential to successful Omni Channel design:
Consistency: Users expect a consistent and meaningful experience in every interaction with the company. I’m not just referring to brand consistency, rather something much broader: screens being familiar, buttons being where they are expected, a homogeneous tone of voice, and uniformed functionality. When consistency is lacking, credibility may suffer.
Availability: Consumers want to be able to choose when, where, and how they interact with your brand based on their personal habits and motivations. Consequently, it’s important to offer a wide range of channels and ensure availability of key activities (and, ideally, less common interactions as well) across all touchpoints.
Channel-Neutrality: When consumers jump between touchpoints, they assume they will see the same data and options across all platforms, so an Omni Channel UX approach is by definition channel neutral.
Context Optimization: By utilizing the technology of each channel and by considering how different channels might be better suited to different interactions, Omni Channel can take the user experience to a whole new level.
Seamlessness: With Omni Channel, the same basket data, inventory, promotions, customer account information, and purchase history should be available in all channels.

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